Waynes Transmision Auto Repair and Transmission Repair Shop

(618) 233-0012

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Mon - Thu: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Fri - Sun: Closed

Transmission Repair Service in Belleville IL

We Offer the Best Automotive and Transmission Repair Service in St. Clair County!
Free Computer Scan & Road Test

Automotive Service in Belleville IL

Wayne’s Transmission, Inc. - Automotive & Transmission Repair Since 1982!

At Wayne’s Transmission, Inc., we have over 38 years of experience and pride ourselves on our fast, affordable, and efficient automotive services! We are in Belleville, Illinois, and serve the surrounding areas of O’Fallon, Scott Air Force Base, and Fairview Heights! With our outstanding customer service and an A+ rating from the BBB, Wayne’s Transmission is the best automotive repair shop in St. Clair County!

Why Choose Wayne’s Transmission, Inc.?

At Wayne’s Transmission, Inc. we provide the following services:

Auto Repair
Transfer Cases
Struts & Shocks
Brakes & Rotors

Transmission Repair
Catalytic Converters
Batteries & Starters
New & Rebuild Transmissions

Front & Rear Differentials
Oil Changes
CV Joints
4X4 Repair

Ask about our 3 Year/100,000 Mile Nationwide Warranty Coverage

Expert Technicians

Our team of mechanics are here to help you with reliable transmission repair service in Belleville, Illinois! With years of experience and trustworthy advice we can assure you that you’ll be back on the road in no time!